2013 was the Inaugural Wagga ANZAC Commemorative Games was inspired by both – the ANZAC Centenary 2014-18 and the Wagga Kangaroos Recruitment March of 1915. The event was a success and is being held again this year.

In the heat of December 1915, eight-eight men, most in their early 20s, volunteered in Wagga Wagga to journey by foot to Campbelltown. By the time the men reached the outskirts of Sydney there was over 220 in all. Rousing meetings were held along the way, replete with impassioned speeches, band music and the generosity of townsfolk with food and provisions. Thousands lined the streets to cheer them on – for King and Country. They undertook what was to be the longest of the official recruiting marches, a total of 565kms. Most found service with the 55th Battalion, which arrived in France in 1916.

The term ‘Anzac’ has come to mean far more than just a military acronym. The Anzac spirit encompasses values that Australians holds dear: courage, bravery, sacrifice, mateship, loyalty, selflessness and resilience – even though it was born out of war, suffering and loss. For most of us, the Anzac tradition was formed on the shores of Gallipoli in Turkey, on 25 April 1915.

The Anzac Centenary 2014–2018 period will encompass all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations in which Australians have been involved. It will be a remarkable journey of reflection, and an opportunity to discover and understand the significance of our military history and learn about the men and women whose service was and is instrumental in creating the Australia we know and enjoy today. Today we also remember the survivors — the veterans who return home, haunted and troubled and struggling to return to a normal life.

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