2012 NAB AFL Draft nominations open

All players wishing to nominate for the 2012 NAB AFL Draft must do so via the NAB AFL Draft Online Nomination process at nabafldraftnom.com.au.
Please complete the form electronically, print it out, sign it and post it to the AFL by the dates set out in the NAB AFL Draft Book.
This year we have attached the NAB AFL Draft Booklet to the nominations website. Nominations will only be approved once the player has signed and lodged the form with the AFL.
Nominations will only be accepted via the online nomination process . Handwritten completed nomination forms will not be accepted.
To complete the NAB AFL Draft nomination, you require a valid email address. If you need to create a new email address, there are a number of free services available on the Internet.
You are required to print your completed nomination form, sign it and post it to the AFL. If no printer is connected to this computer you can print at a later stage from a copy of the completed form that is emailed to your address.