AFL Towards Zero Road Safety Round returns

Following a successful round last year, local football and netball players will return to the field with an important road safety message for their peers.
Transport for NSW and AFL NSW/ACT are teaming up again for the Towards Zero Road Safety Round on Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 August.
Sally Webb, Deputy Secretary of Safety, Environment and Regulation at Transport for NSW said the football competition encourages everyone to prioritise road safety.
“Players are wearing Towards Zero socks this round to serve as a reminder that crashes can be prevented and lives can be saved by making safe choices,” Ms Webb said.
“This round’s aim is to encourage players, friends, family and the community to think about the choices they make on the roads and to know following the rules can prevent crashes and save lives.
“We want everyone to drive in a way that ensures they, the people they love, and others on the road get home safely.”
Community Football and Competition manager for the AFL South Coast and AFL Sapphire Coast, Casey White, said this is the second year the round has run: “The round will be played across southern NSW in the Riverina, Farrer, South Coast and Sapphire Coast,” Mr White said.
“It’s an opportunity to remind all players that just like with sport, when it comes to driving it doesn’t matter how skilled or experienced you are, or how familiar you are with a game plan or the road you drive every day, it’s hard to know what’s around the corner or to anticipate what another road user will do.
“The three biggest killers on NSW roads are speed, drink driving and fatigue. Please drive responsibly for the safety of yourself and others. Drive below the speed limit and consider road and weather conditions. Be well rested before getting behind the wheel, and if you’re drinking, don’t drive. Have a plan B to get back home safely.”