AFL’s Multicultural trailblazer honoured

By Andrew Pearson
Wagga’s relationship with its multicultural community has never been so close – just ask Frank Newah-Jarfoi.
Despite being one of six people honoured for their service to multiculturalism in NSW this week, Mr Newah-Jarfoi says he couldn’t have achieved so much on his own.
Mr Newah-Jarfoi, who arrived in Australia in 2007, is a multicultural community liaison worker with Centacare South West NSW.
In that role he has been instrumental in helping many families and individuals successfully integrate into the community.
That work was rewarded at the Premier’s Harmony Dinner at Sydney’s Rosehill Racecourse on Thursday night, where Mr Newah-Jarfoi won the Premier’s Multicultural Community Medal for Regional Communities.
He received the accolade “for his great effort and success in building harmonious relations between the African community and wider community of Wagga”.
“This honour is dedicated to the people of Wagga because of the hospitality they’ve given to refugees,” Mr Newah-Jarfoi said.
“They’ve opened their homes and opened their hearts to refugees.”
Through his employment at Centacare, Mr Newah-Jarfoi has worked on a number of projects.
They include a partnership with AFL NSW/ACT, a six-week multicultural program for youth and children, the formation of an African men’s educational network and a youth-focused project, which raises awareness of road safety.
He was nominated for the award by Bishop of Wagga, Gerard Hanna.
Bishop Hanna is also a spokesman for the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference on refugees and migrants.
NSW citizenship and communities minister Victor Dominello described Mr Newah-Jarfoi and the winners as “champions of multiculturalism”.
“These awards celebrate the remarkable stories and achievements of these six individuals who have served their communities with honour and enriched our state’s cultural diversity,” Mr Dominello said.