EWK team up with the RAAF

East Wagga – Kooringal and the RAAF base in Wagga Wagga are both benefiting from a new partnership that has come to fruition this season.
East Wagga – Kooringal and the RAAF base in Wagga Wagga are both benefiting from a new partnership that has come to fruition this season.
Riverina product Orren Stephenson will be hoping to crack a berth in Richmond’s senior side this week when they take on the Sydney Swans at the SCG.
Riverina primary school students will travel to Canberra on Thursday for their chance to win their way through to the State Final of the Paul Kelly Cup.
The future is bright for three Wagga teenagers who have just returned home from helping NSW/ACT to the Division 2 title at the NAB AFL Under-16 Nationals.
Soccer and Rugby Union were the big losers when talented youngster Jacob Townsend turned his hand to AFL, a decision from which he has never looked back.
North Wagga Juniors and Seniors are mending their once fractured relationship, a move that is so far proving to reap rewards for both clubs.
Junior football and netball continue to make great strides forward, with leagues in the Riverina showing promising signs for the future.
Junior football and netball continue to make great strides forward, with leagues in the Riverina showing promising signs for the future.
AFL Riverina this week handed a $1500 cheque over to mental health organisation Riverina Bluebell after raising money for the cause during the season.
Former Ganmain GGM premiership-winning coach Mitch Carroll has been impressed since finding a new home at Coleambally this season as a player.