AFL Riverina would like to advise that their has been changes made to the traffic flow at the Narrandera Sportsground for this weeks Grand Final.
The main gates in Victoria Ave which are located near the Stadium will be the entrance gates only. In the past this gate has been an entry and exit gate which has created challenges with traffic flow. No vehicles will be allowed to exit through these gates whilst matches are being played.
The exit gate during the day will be through the gate on the Eastern Side of the ground (behind the Scoreboard) in Elizabeth Street. This gate will be manned to manage the traffic flow through the this gate.
Once the First Grade Grand Final has been completed all patrons will be able to leave through the gates in Victoria Ave (near stadium) and Elizabeth Street (behind the score board).
We hope these new measures will lead to less traffic congestion around the Narrandera Sportsground on the day and speed up the flow of traffic through the main gates in Victoria Ave.