The below details information regarding Coach.AFL for 2019. Included in this are details for coaches that will be re-accrediting or have an existing accreditation, brand new coaches that are accrediting and how registering as a coach will work for season 2019 and beyond.
New Coaches:
New coaches are able to accredit from October 1, 2018. All new coaches are required to:
- Complete the Coaching Profile,
- Pay the Coach.AFL Membership Fee of $49.50
- Agree to the Coaches’ Code of Conduct
- Complete the online Foundation Course relevant to the playing age group of their team, including the concussion module
This process remains the same as it was for 2018.
Re-Accrediting Coaches With an Accreditation Expiring at the end of 2018:
All re-accrediting coaches are able to re-accredit starting January 2019. For those coaches with an accreditation expiring at the end of 2018 they are required to:
- Complete the Coaching Profile
- Pay the annual Coach.AFL Membership Fee of $49.50,
- Agree to the Coaches’ Code of Conduct*
- Complete an online module on Respect & Responsibility
This process mirrors what was done for 2018, except the concussion module has now been replaced by the ‘Expect Respect’ – Respect & Responsibility online course. Any coach that does not have the necessary points to re-accredit will do the Foundation Course (these coaches are edge cases, and will have not previously completed the Foundation course as they were existing coaches under the 4-year model) .
Existing Coaches With an Accreditation Expiring in Either 2019/20/21:
All existing coaches are able to update their CoachAFL accounts in January 2019. For those coaches with an accreditation expiring in 2019/20/21 they will be required to:
- Complete the Coaching Profile
- Agree to the Coaches’ Code of Conduct*
- Complete an online module on Respect & Responsibility
*Coaches will be required to agree to the Coaches’ Code of Conduct again next year as there are some changes made to this from the National Coaching Accreditation Policy (attached).
Registering as a Coach to a Club in 2019:
“ALL coaches will register to their community club/s via CoachAFL and this will replace the previous duplicated process of registering through SportsTG. This is now in place and it is vital that ALL coaches register via Coach.AFL annually to ensure they are accredited and able to be picked to a Team Sheet in 2019. A quick video has been attached to describe how a coach registers.”
All coaching data, (once the coach is accredited) is sent from Coach.AFL to SportsTG once daily at approximately 8pm AEST, updating their records in SportsTG. This includes everything – contact details, club registrations, accreditations etc and can be accessed through their Footyweb database as normal.
Please see below documents summarising the updates relevant to the coaches across NSW/ACT:
CoachAFL – Already Accredited Coaches for 2019
CoachAFL – Becoming a Coach in 2019