Forrest Centre Palliative Care Unit

The Forrest centre would like to thank all the participating Riverina Football clubs in both the Farrer and RFL in the fundraising efforts over the next 6 weeks.
The Forrest Centre aims to provide a residential palliative unit for the individual and to support their family during the end of life journey which unfortunately effects both the young and the elderly..
The Forrest Centre has a long history of providing compassionate care attending to the physical emotional and spiritual needs of residents and their families.
The Centre has a philosophy of welcoming all, acknowledging the value of human life by treating others with dignity and respect so as to relieve the distress of suffering.
The aim is to construct a purpose designed unit on the Mary Potter Nursing Home site to meet the specialised needs of providing longer stay palliative care.
This unit will include single room accommodation, spaces for families to gather and rooms for visiting doctors and other health professionals.
The Centre is part of the “Palliative Care Alliance” which includes Murrumbidgee Local Health District (including regional hospitals and the Community Palliative Care Team), Calvary Hospital and Murrumbidgee Medicare Local, who have agreed to work together to provide a co-ordinated palliative care service for the Region.
Once again the broader community thanks all clubs for participating in raising funds for Palliative care.