Joss Grant winners announced

Ten grants worth $10,000 each are annually available thanks to equal funding from the Joss Group and AFL NSW/ACT.
21 excellent submissions for funding were received from across NSW and ACT in 2015, with the ten awarded to result in $394,638 worth of facility improvements.
The ten successful applications have been awarded to clubs from across NSW/ACT: from as far south as Henty, to Niagara on the Central Coast, Ainslie in the ACT, and Hawkesbury in Sydney’s west.
Projects range from the installations of new bollards, coaching boxes, goal posts, and interchange benches, to change room upgrades, and synthetic turf construction.
AFL NSW/ACT Infrastructure Planning Manager David Lawson paid homage to the contribution of the Joss group.
The annual grants have been designed to provide funding assistance to clubs who are looking to undertake small scale facility improvements to enhance their club environment going forward.
“For several years now the Joss group has been instrumental in providing funding for community clubs to upgrade the facilities, an initiative that has been hugely successful,” Lawson said.
“The partnership between the Joss group and AFL NSW/ACT has been valuable in leveraging other stakeholders to contribute towards projects, with various councils, local governments, and various other governing bodies tendering funds.
“A raft of these projects would likely not have proved possible without the support of the Joss Group, and we thank them for that, and a big thank you should also go to the volunteers across NSW/ACT who compiled applications.”
A family-owned regional company trading for more than 35 years, the Joss Group’s commitment to regional New South Wales is demonstrated in their support of a variety of sporting groups, including their generous support of AFL NSW/ACT initiatives.
Applications for the 2016 round of funding will open early next year, with details to be circulated directly to clubs, as well as through the AFL NSW/ACT website.
Niagara Park Dockers
Ainslie FC
Eastlake FC
Deniliquin Rams FC
Narrandera Imperial FNC
Murray Magpies FNC
Hay Lions FNC
Henty ARFC
Western Suburbs JAFC
Hawkesbury FC