Racism. It Stops With Us.

It is our responsibility to equip all of our associated clubs and leagues with the information and resources to educate the football community about what they can do to rid the game of racism and discrimination.
There has been significant media coverage and public dialogue about this issue, and we should use it as an opportunity to stop and reflect on what we do both as individuals and as groups to create a positive and respectful environment for everyone.
The football community on all levels should abide by these guidelines and work together to eradicate racism and intolerance from our sport. This behavior has no place in the game, and we should strive to set an example to other sports and the wider community.
The AFL aims to provide a sport environment where all those involved in its activities are treated with dignity and respect, and without harassment or discrimination. Under this policy discrimination and harassment are not permitted; whether it by employees, volunteers or participants.
Discrimination is defined by the AFL and Affiliated State Body Member Protection Policy as the following:
(b) Discrimination
Discrimination means treating or proposing to treat someone less favourably than someone else because of a particular characteristic in the same or similar circumstances in certain areas of public life (this is Direct Discrimination).
The law also covers Indirect Discrimination. This is imposing or intending to impose an unreasonable requirement, condition or practice that is the same for everyone, but which has an unequal or disproportionate effect on individuals or groups with particular characteristics.
Under the relevant legislation across Australia, unless a specific exclusion applies, it is unlawful to discriminate against anyone on a variety of grounds including, but not limited to the following:
· Age
· Disability;
· Marital status
· Parental/carer status
· Family/carer responsibilities
· Gender identity/transgender status
· Lawful sexual activity/sexual orientation;
· Irrelevant medical record
· Irrelevant criminal record
· Political belief/activity
· Pregnancy and breastfeeding
· Race
· Religious belief/activity
· Sex/gender
· Social origin
· Trade union membership/activity
· Physical features
· Association with a person with one or more of the characteristics listed above.
The Australian Human Rights Commission recently launched the Racism. It Stops With Me. Campaign, which is supported by the AFL on a national level. Targeted at grassroots and community sport, the campaign aims to:
· Ensure more Australians recognise that racism is unacceptable in our community
· Give more Australians the tools & resources to take practical action against racism
· Empower individuals & organisations to prevent & respond effectively to racism
To register your club’s support of this campaign, please visit http://itstopswithme.humanrights.gov.au/
If you would like more information about the AFL Code of Conduct or Member Protection Policy please email us at info@aflnswact.com.au