Read the Play was established in Geelong in 2006 with MLHD Rural Mental Health Promotion Officer Merilyn Limbrick becoming aware of the program in 2013. Merilyn and her colleague Helen Sheather met with the RTP Board in May last year. The Board acknowledged that they were keen to expand the program into rural NSW and extensive negotiations commenced to implement RTP in the Murrumbidgee area.
The Rural Adversity Mental Health Program, Riverina Bluebell and AFL NSW/ACT have partnered to pilot RTP in the 2014 Australian Football league season. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed in Wagga Wagga on 12 February in the presence of former AFL Greater Western Sydney coach Kevin Sheedy.
Read the Play is a mental health education program which is aimed at junior level sports clubs. The program targets clubs in the Under-15 AFL and netball clubs to increase knowledge and awareness about mental health problems, local services available and increase confidence and skills in guiding youth to access support services.
The sessions take the form of two Interactive ‘Games Nights’ which are held at the club over a two year period:
Know What to Say
The focus is on getting the necessary conversation about mental health and mental illness started. With games that support young people in knowing what to say.
Know the Way
Looks at using the knowledge gained around mental illness to encourage help seeking. The games clearly explain the signs and symptoms of anxiety, depression, alcohol and other drug issues with an emphasis on suicide prevention.
Youth mental health is a significant and growing health issue in Australia. One in four young people aged 12-25 years have a mental illness; however, only one in four affected young people receive help.
If you wish to find out more about the program for your club please contact Merilyn Limbrick on 0428 249 719 or visit