Sheedy’s Open Letter

Dear Pussy Cats,
The lights are on at Simonds Stadium. Everyone is awake and Sleepy Hollow has been consigned to history once and for all.
And what a sight it was for the Pussy Cats last Saturday as they welcomed back one of their favourite sons, Gary Ablett Jnr, for their big night.
A night that at one stage looked as if it might turn sour as the young Suns took it up to their bigger and more experienced opponents. Hopefully a sign of what is to come for the young GIANTS.
Indeed the silence at three quarter time reminded me of our visit to Geelong last year when we were also level with the reigning premiers at half time.
I wandered down to the boundary for the last few minutes of the second quarter and was watching play when I heard a woman sitting in the crowd behind me telling to get out of the way. She was about the only Geelong fan making any noise at that stage of the game.
You may have seen the vision on TV of her waving me away. What you didn’t hear was my response. “If you’re not careful I’ll marry you!”
Where are you darling? I’ve been waiting for your answer! If you can let me know who you are I’d love to have a coffee with you.
In fact I’m hoping she and lots of other Cats fans will come up to ŠKODA Stadium in Sydney this Queen’s Birthday long weekend for the Tribute to Farmers match.
As Geelong people know, farmers have been the backbone of this county and we want to honour their contribution to Australia in what we hope will become an annual game.
They have had to deal with a lot over history – droughts, bushfires, floods, financial downturns – but they have always come through adversity and helped feed this country and now many other countries too.
They are the heart and soul of this island nation and, as Jeff Kennett found out, you ignore them at your peril. Sport is also a big part of rural communities whether it is football, netball, rugby or cricket. It brings people together, particularly in tough times.
Hopefully it will do just that once again this Saturday at ŠKODA Stadium. Just think – a long weekend in Sydney, a visit to one of the best sports venues in Australia and an escape from the cold and rain of Victoria.
But don’t count on a win just yet. That silence I heard in Geelong last year was music to my ears. The only thing better would be hearing our fans belt out the GIANTS song after the game.
See you in Sydney.